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Assisted Living


There are many resources available to help decide whether assisted living is the correct next step for you or a family member. Here is an excellent, impartial site that can help you learn what to look for and also how to evaluate your prospective choices.

There are two very important additional sets of questions you need to address before signing any contract. Another factor to consider that every facility is going to require some degree of compliance. For example, most assisted living homes require a COVID-19 vaccination, but many facilities will maintain many additional controls.



1. How much autonomy does a resident retain over their health care?


  • Will you be allowed to visit your own doctors and specialists?​

  • Can you get a second opinion if you don't agree with the resident medical staff's prescription?

  • Can you be forced to take sedatives and other psychotropic drugs?

  • What is the penalty for refusing to comply: immediate, involuntary expulsion from the facility, or will a grace period be allowed so other arrangements can be made?



2. What if you don't want further medical treatment?


  • Can you or your Health Care Representative refuse transfer to a hospital for treatment of an acute problem?

  • Will you be allowed palliative care only if, for example, you do not want any medications such as antibiotics that will prolong your life?

  • If you elect Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking (VSED), will the facility help you get transferred to a hospice?

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